Play with your food


If you’re stuck at home and out of craft ideas (or if you just want to try something different!), try playing with your food. Seriously. Food scraps can unlock a world of imagination!  What was an onion peel is now a fish swimming amongst the grape stem coral in the ocean. What was the peel of a clementine, is now a dragonfly with wilted arugula as wings. You’ll be surprised at what creativity can emerge!

Playing with food scraps also provides an excellent opportunity to bring your child’s awareness to the importance of creating less food waste. Helping food go further is one of the most impactful ways we can personally reduce our environmental footprint. Take the time to think about where your food comes from with your child. Did it travel a long way to get here? Or was it grown close by? Think of the farmers who grew the food, the grocery store workers who stocked it, and the delivery workers who bring food to us. And finally, take the time together to think about ways to create less food waste (a home composting project might be on the horizon??).

Be sure to check out your local city’s sustainability programs. They may offer free composting programs.

Enjoy playing with your food!


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