Marine Life Sock Puppets

Oceans cover over two-thirds of our living planet. Scientists estimate that more than two million species live in the ocean and nine out of ten haven’t even been fully identified. However, unsustainable fishing and habitat degradation have caused declines to marine life. Scientists estimate around 8 million tons of plastic enter the ocean a year affecting all species that depend on the ocean! And with our planet’s temperature rising it is fueling warmer ocean water which in turn causes bleached coral reefs and stronger storms threatening marine life as well as the millions of human livelihoods that depend on the ocean (click here for more information and statistics on marine life and the importance of oceans).

Our planet’s oceans need our protection desperately. 

Originally inspired by World Wildlife Fund’s Art for Earth, Earth Stories created marine animal sock puppets. These are very basic puppets that can be made from simple materials found around your home. All you need is:

  • A sock (or a few, depending on how many marine animals you want to make)

  • Stuffing (can be cotton balls, more old socks or any fabric you find lying around your house you don’t need)

  • Rubber bands to tie off the stuffing

  • Scissors to cut 

  • Googly eyes (You may not have these lying around. No worries if you don’t! Try cutting an eye out from a piece of fabric and using a safety pin to pin it to your animal. Or make an eye from a scrap piece of paper. Or get your child to throw around some ideas! The more creative the better!)

To assemble, all you need to do is stuff the head section of your sock. Then secure the section off with a rubber band. Next, decide what sea creature you want to make. I made an octopus and a fish. All it required was cutting the octopus tentacles into eight sections and cutting the back fin of the fish (see pictures). 

Now you’re ready to play! Explore ocean life with these animals. Invite your child on an imaginary adventure through the ocean. If you choose a specific animal, do research together to learn more about the animal and how they live, what they eat, etc. 

Take this opportunity to open your child’s awareness up to this indispensable part of our planet. 


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